

Ivory Coast


The purpose of the study is to carry out the first Detailed Urban Plan of the District of Abidjan. This DUP concerns the Urban Unit n°6 which covers the 3 communes of Koumassi, Marcory and Treichville located in the heart of the Greater Abidjan agglomeration. The territory concerned covers approximately 3,000 hectares for a population estimated at 731,551 inhabitants in 2013. By 2030, Unit 6 is expected to have a population of approximately 866,500. The density of occupation will then be extremely high: 290 inhabitants per hectare (29,000 inhabitants/km²).

The DUP study of Unit 6 aims to develop a regulatory urban planning document that reflects a vision of the organisation and development of one of the major urban centres of the Abidjan conurbation. The stakes of the study are high insofar as it involves co-constructing (with all stakeholders) a document that will be enforceable against third parties and all institutions. The DUP that will be produced for Urban Unit N°6 will serve as a reference document for the development of future DUPs which will concern all the other urban units of the Autonomous District of Abidjan.

Our mission

The study consists of 4 phases:

  • Phase 1: Elaboration of the urban diagnosis of the territory of the Urban Unit n° 6
  • Phase 2: Elaboration of the Sustainable Development Plan
  • Phase 3: Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of the Sustainable Development Policy
  • Phase 4: Production of the final version of the DUP (presentation report, graphic file and detailed town planning regulations)

All the graphic documents are drawn up on a Geographic Information System. The project also includes a knowledge transfer component through training sessions that will be organised for the benefit of future DUP managers at local and inter-municipal level. The training sessions are organised and run by the study team.